Editing a Warehouse Address:
- Navigate to the address you want to edit.
- Click the EDIT button.
- Update the details in the fields and SAVE.
Viewing warehouses on your profile:
- Navigate to your profile.
- Scroll down to your Warehouse Details.
- Search using the search bar provided, or scroll through the warehouses listed.
- You can also choose to view 5, 10 or more at a time, using the filter as seen below.
Specifying a Collection Warehouse and a Return Warehouse
Specify a different warehouse location for parcels to be collected from and for parcels to be returned to.
The 'primary' warehouse will be used as the default address to collect from. The 'primary return' warehouse will be used as the default address where failed deliveries and return orders will be delivered to. You can use the radio button to change your default selection.